The jet is angled at 100 degrees. The angle is chosen due to the way water exits from the outlet and fans out. If the jet was 90 degrees some of the water exiting would hit the walls and disturb the force of rotation by being deflected by the walls. In the case of a circular wall as in a kidney shaped pool the angled jet is adjustable and can be increased to 130 degrees from the wall to keep the flow from bouncing off the wall and clearly within the water body increasing the rotation force on the water. The much larger diameter of the outlet pipe, allows full flow of the water through the filtration system. This increases the suction flow at the skimmer compared to smaller diameter return jet systems which cause the flow rate to drop at the skimmer and increases pressure on the output side of the pump.
How to fit the AGL jets
Kidney or odd shaped pools with curved walls work perfectly with the AGL jets
Circular or above ground pools work perfectly with the AGL jets
When it comes to rectangular pools skimmers on either side give perfect results with the AGL jets
Skimmers on one side work perfectly with the AGL jets
Skimmers at the end do not work perfectly depending on how the return jets are spaced.
in most cases just using one AGL jet and directing the other eyeball it will rotate the water. Trial and error is needed
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